Better Homes and Gardens.
Call Number: 745.59412 CHR 1996
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Appreciating this book requires a certain aesthetic that just doesn't appeal to a grouchy, minimalist like myself. I lead an existence that doesn't require tea cozies, tissue box covers, dolls, or napkin rings. But whimsical people who have a fondness for Mary Engelbreitian quaintness, or people with seasonally themed tableware, most likely will find many projects to their liking in this book. That being said, I find some of the ornamentation in the book to be on the outrageously lavish. Do you really need to decorate every square inch of your house for the holidays?
Anyway, below are some of the stranger highlights from the book:
I don't know what's creepier: the sweaters, the matching pajama pants, or the fact the girls look so pleased with their outfits. If you want to embrace the gingerbread fashion trend too, the pattern is found on page 56.
You can tell it's a fancy party by the ridged carrots and sourdough bread bowl.
Real nice, dress your daughter up to match the theme of your tree. She's not a prop, okay? And you just know that she's planning to push the tree over.
Is she peacocking? If you want to make your own fowl vest, you can find the pattern on page 36.
Check out the evil glow in the snowman's eyes. All he wants for Christmas is your soul.